Facility Instrumentation
The Caltech Flow Cytometry Facility is equipped with two research grade cell sorters capable of sorting 100 - 15000 events/second based on multiparameter analysis of the cells characteristics (size, density, and fluorescence intensities of multiple colors). In addition, two non-sorting analyzers are available to researchers for self-service analysis provided that they demonstrate competence to use the analyzer and have taken training provided by the facility.
A completed Biosafety Form must be submitted prior to operator-run appointments or self-service experiments.
BD Biosciences FACS Aria Fusion Cell Sorter (Church B120)
- resident in biosafety cabinet under BSL2+ conditions
- capable of 14 color analysis and sorting
- excitation wavelengths of 405 nm, 488 nm, 561, and 633 nm (PDF Configuration)
- robotic arm for sorting into a various plates and tubes including 96-well plates
- color data output with color printer for multiple color gating of data
- PC computer platform
- off-line networking
- high speed sorting up to 15K events/second with excellent recovery
- up to 4-way sort collection
Sony SY3200 Cell Sorter (Kerckhoff B132)
- resident in Baker Bioguard III biosafety cabinet under BSL2 conditions
- capable of 9 color analysis and sorting
- excitation wavelengths at 355 nm (UV), 407 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm, 633 nm (PDF Configuration)
- sample deposition station for sorting into a variety of plates and tubes including 96-well plates, 6-well, 12-well, and 384 well plates; 60-well Terasaki plates; 4 way tube sorting into 5ml or 1.5ml tubes; or 2-way sorting into 15ml tubes.
- PC platform with color data output with color printer for multiple color gating using WinList from Verity Software House
- high speed sorting > 10K events/second with excellent recovery
- remote viewing of sort windows
Cytoflex SRT Cell Sorter (Kerckhoff B132)
- Capable of 15 color analysis and sorting
- PC based, running Windows OS
- resident in Baker SterilGARD Biosafety Cabinet for BSL2 sorting
- sample deposition station for sorting into a variety of plates and tubes including 96-well plates, 6-well, 12-well, and 384 well plates; 4 way tube sorting into 5ml or 1.5ml tubes; or 2-way sorting into 15ml tubes.
- Equipped with 4 lasers (configuration coming soon):
- Violet 405nm
- Blue 488nm
- Yellow 561nm
- Red 638nm
Miltenyi Biotech MACSQuant VYB Flow Cytometer (Kerckhoff B138)
- Equipped with 3 lasers :
- Violet 405nm – 2 FL detectors
- Blue 488nm – 2 FL detectors
- Yellow 561nm – 4 FL detectors/ 2 scatters
- Designed for 8 fluorescent colors- including up to 5 FPs (PDF Configuration)
- PC based running windows OS
- With 96 well sampler and chill blocks
- Owned by the Elowitz lab but resides in the facility for shared use
Beckman Coulter Cytoflex Flow Cytometer (Church B120)
- Equipped with 4 lasers (PDF Configuration):
- Violet 405nm (max 4 detectors at a time)
- Yellow 561 nm (max 4 detectors at a time)
- Red 638 nm (max 3 detectors at a time)
- Blue 488 nm (max 2 detectors at a time)
- Up to 13 colors
- PC operating system
- With 96 well sampler
Beckman Coulter Allegra 6R Centrifuge (Kerckhoff B132)
Equipped with buckets for plates, 15mL tubes, and 50mL tubes