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Scheduling & Billing


Instrument use is governed by the instrument calendar. When your reservation time is up, others should expect the instrument to be cleaned and available. When booking a reservation, you must account for all necessary setup and cleaning times. Minimum booking time is 1 hour. If you require an appointment on short notice, we will do our best to accommodate you, although we cannot guarantee a timeslot without appropriate notice.

  • Operator-assisted (analyzers or sorters): 1 week
  • Self-serve sorters : 1 week
  • Self-serve analyzers: None
Cancellation Notice:

Users who cancel after the cancellation window may be charged fully for their reservation at the discretion of the facility.

  • Operator-assisted (analyzers or sorters): 24 hours before the start of the reservation
  • Self-serve (analyzers or sorters): 12 hours before the start of the reservation
Overtime/Late Arrival
  • Please be punctual. If you are late for an appointment, you will still be charged for the entirety of your reservation.
  • If you require more time than is booked, an extension will be granted based on operator and instrument availability. Additional time on the instruments will be billed accordingly.
  • If you are using a self-serve sorter, you should account for cleaning time when you book your reservation. You must be finished cleaning the machine and the surrounding surfaces by the time your reservation ends. Failure to do so will result in additional charges at the discretion of staff.


A PTA Number must be provided to the Core facility before the start of the first experiment. Should that number change, a new PTA number must be provided to the facility. Any consultation about experiments or data with staff must be scheduled ahead of time. Consults are offered free of charge.

Standard charges are as follows:
  • Cytometer set-up and post-sort cleaning (typically 60 minutes)
  • Total reserved time
  • Any additional time outside of the reservation
  • Sorters are $125/hr.
  • Self-service analyzers are $70/hr.
  • Operator-assisted rate on any instrument is $125/hr.
  • Instrument training is $125/hour per person, or $625/day per person.