Links & Resources
Our Links
- Your sort data will be uploaded to the Flow Cytometry Facility Sharepoint site.
- Check our instrument calendar (login with your Caltech credentials) for availability
- Create a free account at FluoroFinder to build a panel with our instrument configurations
- Visit and subscribe to our YouTube Channel to see playlists with videos that will support your Flow Cytometry Training: Caltech Flow Cytometry Facility on YouTube
- Sign up for our Caltech Flow Cytometry Facility User Listserv
- Social Media: Instagram, Twitter
- Here is our listing on the Beckman Institute Website
- Download our Biosafety Form
Outside Resources
- Open Flow Cytometry Videos
- Flow-Cytometry-basic introduction
- Mario Roderer's Compensation Page
- More links from In Living Color: Protocols in Flow Cytometery and Cell Sorting
- FlowJo University