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  • Cell sorting generates aerosols, therefore the biohazard risks are much greater than in analytic flow cytometry or other benchwork. It is imperative to discuss any and all biohazard issues during the initial consultation. Failure to do so may result in denial of further use of the cell sorting facility.
  • In general, uninfected mammalian cells (non-human/non-primate) can be sorted on any instrument in the facility.
  • Bacteria and VLPs can be sorted and analyzed in the facility with a biosafety evaluation.
  • Human samples from established commercially-available cell lines may be sorted at the BSL2 or BSL2+ in our facility. Some examples of cell lines we sort regularly include but are not limited to HeLa, K562
  • Lentiviral vectors must be 3rd generation or greater at the BSL2, BSL2+ level.
  • We are not able to perform BSL3 sorts on primary human samples from patients - this is an institutional limitation.
  • Biosafety evaluation will be done once a completed Biosafety Form has been provided containing full information about your samples. The biosafety questionnaire can be found HERE.