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In general, uninfected mammalian cells (non-human/non-primate) can be sorted on any instrument in the Facility. Bacteria and virus-like particles can be sorted and analyzed in the Facility with a biosafety evaluation. Human samples from established commercially-available cell lines may be sorted at the BSL2 or BSL2+ in our Facility. Lentiviral vectors must be 3rd generation or greater at the BSL2, BSL2+ level. We are not able to work with material requiring BSL3 and above practices.

Biosafety evaluation will be done once a completed Biosafety Form has been provided containing full information about your samples.


It is the users responsibility to bring appropriate PPE for their samples. However, the Facility provides extra gloves and lab coats in each laboratory in case they are needed.


Laboratories in the Facility should always be considered BSL2. Bleach and 70% ethanol are provided for users to decontaminate any surfaces. Self-serve users are expected to clean the instrument area before and after each use to reduce risks of cross contamination. Please notify of any biohazardous spills you encounter or if you suspect any of the instruments to be contaminated.

Each lab space is outfitted with appropriate bins for biohazardous waste. All gloves and plastics should go into the biological waste bin while all pipette tips, glass, needles, and other sharps should go into the sharp containers.

Liquid waste containers from the instruments are treated with bleach for decontamination and disposed of down the sink once full.